Sunday, 13 February 2011

LaZy SuNdAy AfTeRnOoN.....

Some of us are having a lazy Sunday afternoon, 'no change for the Mr Alfie then' something we've not done in a very, very, long time.....
Due to, a moment of madness last spring, we ripping out one side of our cottage, & built a two storey extension, a new bedroom upstairs, & a kitchen downstairs, moving all the electrics, water & waste, & while we were doing that, moved the staircase from one part of the cottage to another... talk about grand designs!!
We've done the majority of the work ourselves, only getting in trades where we need too, what were we thinking of!!?
So today we're having a lazy Sunday afternoon...

Work in progress....

1 comment:

Unknown said...

your kitchen looks like it's going to be amazing! cant wait to see the finished result x