Wednesday, 20 January 2010

Cutting a DASH....

So here's the thing, I changed gyms recently, seemed like a good idea at the time, you know, new year, fresh faces, wanting a change, & to try something new ......
I've been jumping about a bit in a gym, for a number of years now, &
I try to go at least three times a week.
We've just had the Christmas two weeks off, & what with the snow & all, make that three.....
So with great gusto, & new trainers, off to a new gym I go......
Mmm... thought I was quiet a fit gal, turns out, I haven't worked some of my muscles, & muscles I didn't even know I had..!! in a very long time...
Bending to sit on the loo is very interesting, climbing stairs is another fun thing to do, but worst of all bending to pick something up off, of the floor...
But hay hoe,... I get to do it all, all, over again tonight.....
HAPPY DAYS......... :o)


fen and ned said...

Blimey, just venturing out three times a week in the winter would be an achievement for me, but then to do a work out nooo! I'll just carry on with me knitting :D

Right this is definitely my last offerings on this...
one potato, two potato, three potato, four,.......

Poppy said...

You poor thing…I always feel like that once I go back to work in the spring! I end up walking around like I’ve got something in my pants.

Love Lou xxx

Poppy said...

I hope tomorrow is a bit easier for you!!! ;-)
