Tuesday, 31 January 2012

SiMpLe PLeAsUrEs...

So we find ourselves nearly at the end of January, a time which a lot of people, I know, find difficult,... for me, it represents, a new start, a fresh blank page, with new opportunities, & new discovers to be had, & slowly, slowly our days get lighter & brighter...

There are simple pleasures to be had, like: Mr Alfred waiting patiently to see if anything drops down on to the floor, whilst I bake apple & cinnamon cake..

Beautiful vintage china cups a client gave me last week....

& new makes, hand stitched notebooks...

Tuesday, 24 January 2012


Spring eh? well hardly with the weather we've had recently... but here's the view from my salon window, bringing you a little bit of spring....

Tuesday, 17 January 2012

CoMfOrT FooD...

What's with the whole comfort food thing this time of year then...??

Reading blog posts, reading craft (tho I hate the word craft) books...

Catching up with face book friends...

Baking (Ooh get me!!)

& eating the then baking goods...!!!

Sitting in front of the wood burner... (So toasty....)

This can't go on people...

Sunday, 8 January 2012

FoR DoG LoVeRs EvErYWhErE...

Given that we're now at the start of a brand new year... wise words from our fury friends...

Linoprint found on *Folksy from: Enlightened Hound see more of her work found

Tuesday, 3 January 2012

Mr A....

Here's to a happier & healthier 2012..

Time eh?.. can't believe Mr Alfie or Al-fraid-o or A-L-L-F-I-E!!

or Mr A as he's also known in this house... has just spent this 3 third Christmas sharing is curly bouncy life with us, it only feels like yesterday when we bought him home from the breeders...

It's been nice to stop & share a fury cuddle or two these past few weeks...