Saturday, 30 April 2011

Oh ...No...

Hope you all enjoyed the Royal Wedding... funniest thing I heard over the weekend was when Allen Carr said that Princess Beatrice's 'hat' looked like a giant pretzel...!!!!

Tuesday, 26 April 2011

TeA AnY oNe.....?

What have you lovelies been up to over the Easter break..?

I have finally got a week off work... great...!! I can (yawn) wash out all my cupboards & organize (the best bit) our kitchen....
I tell you, I packed so much away when we started this project last May, it was a joy to get things out of their newspaper & 'play' today....

Lovely vintage cups & saucers that were James Gran's...

Lovely tulips a friend gave me..., they looked so lovely with the sun pouring in our kitchen earlier this week...

& we also went to my cousins wedding at the weekend what a beautiful day...

My attempt at "button holes made easy" by the delightful Miss Pickering...
nothing like as good as hers of course....but a girl can try right...?

Sunday, 17 April 2011

ObJeCtS Of My DeSiRe.......

Ah... my new objects of desire....
Lovely Sheperds Huts......

A place to sit.... or to be creative.... or to share my goodies with....
How fabulous are they...? well a girl can dream right...?

Monday, 11 April 2011

eLeMeNtS FrOm HoMe.......

You may remember some time ago, me telling you, about our extension (yawn..)

Well..., today we started to put somethings back into the new kitchen/living space we've created..., ahem.. I mean, which James drew, created, & worked his B***ks off doing.....

Here are some lovely botanical prints, grouped together along one of the walls, & a wreath, we've hung on one of the walls we decided to leave bare brick...
& these gorgeous flashes of red & pink blooms that are coming alive in our garden right now...

Monday, 4 April 2011

In ThE WoRdS Of ChEr....."iF I CoULd TuRn BaCk TiMe....."

...... If I could find a way-aa-ee......."

Because we had such a great time.. &, it just goes by in such a whizz, so I'd like to turn back time to last Saturday, to our handmaid & Vintage Spring Fair please....

Just a taster image.... more are available on our Handmaid & Vintage Blog..

So hop on over there for more inspiration.......

On behalf of everyone last Saturday thanks for being part of it...

& to those of you that helped us, with the day,.. thank you so much..

& to those partners/husbands that endured raffia being tied to labels at 6.30am, in bed, that very morning, thank you, & to those who endured a flour filled kitchen, with margarine door knobs, thank you.. & to those who endured a fridge filled with no food.... ONLY soap!!

We thank you...

& remind you that we're planning another...

Handmaid & Vintage Fair at Christmas....!!!