So after cleaning the house from top to bottom, wading through the ironing...
I had time to... (Ooo.... & have I mentioned I have no roof on one side of our cottage presently..?!)
More on that another post I think...
I had time to... (Ooo.... & have I mentioned I have no roof on one side of our cottage presently..?!)
More on that another post I think...
Why then oh why? do our days off go soooo..... quickly!!?
I look at my watch one minute, & it says, 11.30am the next I look it's 5pm!!!
I look at my watch one minute, & it says, 11.30am the next I look it's 5pm!!!
What's that all about.... answers on a post card PLEASE....
Anyhoo...... here's what else went on today....